Vị trí hiện tại: Assistant Professor Đơn vị: National Chengchi University , Taiwan. EDUCATION PhD, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology RESEARCH INTERESTS Vietnam Economy, Economies in Southeast
Thẻ: Hóa – Sinh – Vật liệu
TS. Trần Minh Quang
Vị trí hiện tại: Assistant Professor Đơn vị: Industry 4.0 Center, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. EDUCATION 2013 – 2016: Ph.D., National Taiwan
TS. Võ Duy Hải
Vị trí hiện tại: Postdoctoral fellow Đơn vị: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, NTUST POSITIONS Post-doctoral fellow, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST),