VIN Taiwan would like to congratulate the new Associate Professor, Dr. Cao Minh Tu, currently working at the Faculty of Construction, National Yangming Jiaotong University (NYCU), who has just officially received the decision to appoint him to the title of Associate Professor.

Associate Professor Dr. Tu came to Taiwan in 2010 to pursue his master's and doctoral degrees at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech, NTUST), majoring in Project Management in the Department of Civil Engineering. After completing his doctoral degree in 2015, Associate Professor Dr. Tu accumulated 4 years of working experience at CTCI Corporation before moving to the education sector at Ming Tan University of Science and Technology (MUST) in 2019. Associate Professor Dr. Tu has been working at National Yangming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) since 2022.

Associate Professor Dr. Cao Minh Tu's main research interests include construction management, building information modeling (BIM), and artificial intelligence applications in the construction industry. During his teaching and research, Associate Professor Dr. Tu has actively published many scientific papers and continuously received many research projects from the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan (NSTC). Associate Professor Dr. Tu has also made outstanding contributions to the Department of Civil Engineering, NYCU, not only through research and teaching, but also through guiding students to win many high awards in domestic and international competitions.
Once again, VIN Taiwan would like to congratulate and wish Associate Professor, Dr. Cao Minh Tu continued success in his teaching and research career!